Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 5 Recap: Monster Mania!

Letter: o
Number: 5
Sight Words: the, and, in
Verse: "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Alphabet Activities
I made these adorable monsters, then had Lucy draw an "o" mouth on each of them. We pretended that the monsters were screaming "ahhhh!" like the sound "o" makes. Lucy thought my drawings were hilarious and was much more willing to write an "o" when it was disguised as a monster mouth instead of a plain ol' letter o.

We didn't do much for math this week. Just a number 5 worksheet, and this "roll-a-monster" dice game. I don't think Lucy learned much, but she had fun. :-)
Lucky for me, our library has a display of monster books out right now in anticipation of Halloween, so I just picked a bunch that I thought Lucy would enjoy. Here's what we ended up with:
Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters by Jane Yolen
Monsters Munch Lunch by Abigail Tabby
Big Monster, Little Monster by Mary Tillworth
Go to Bed, Monster! by Natasha Wing - This one was our favorite because the little girl's name is Lucy. And there's a part in the story where the monster has to go potty. Lucy is obsessed with all things potty-related. And potty has a short o in it! ;-)

Our literature activity was making monster stomping feet. Lucy painted a couple empty tissue boxes on Tuesday, then we added eyes and teeth on Wednesday.

Sight Word Activities
We combined our Bible lesson with our sight word activity this week. We read the story of Jesus' temptation in our Jesus Storybook Bible, then talked about how Satan is the worst monster of all. But I assured Lucy that someday Jesus is going to stomp Satan's head (Genesis 3:15), and we were going to pretend to stomp him today too. I made a bunch of mean monsters with sight words on them, then she put on her monster stomping feet and stomped the words as I called them out.

Next week: All things fall!


  1. I love the monster feet and stomping game! Great tie-in to scripture. Also super cute monster drawings :) You are doing better at school than me so far... if I don't somehow get something done today we'll have only done one day last week and one this week. Ugh.

    1. You have more kids than me. I can't imagine homeschooling with an infant! Lucy is so going to be in school before I even start thinking about another baby. (Which is a lie, because I'm totally thinking about it already. Lol.)
