Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Apple Sight Word Picking

As part of our apple unit, I made a little apple-picking sight word game for Lucy. We happen to have a functioning apple orchard in our backyard, but this would work with any short tree or bush.

I bought a package of apple die-cuts for $1 at Dollar Tree and wrote all 9 of the sight words we've learned to date on them. While Lucy was napping, I punched holes in the top of each apple, tied a piece of twine on it, then wrapped the twine around random tree branches in the orchard. It was a little windier than I anticipated, so I couldn't get very many good pictures. Haha.

 When Lucy got up, I gave her a basket and brought her out to the orchard with instructions to "pick" the sight words. We ended up cutting the words out of the trees because the wind tangled the twine like crazy.

I told her if she could find and identify all 9 words, she'd get to pick a treat out of the candy basket. The only word she struggled with was "the." She has such a hard time with that one! But this project as a whole was a huge hit!

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